In the crisis, the cybersecurity market responds. Hiring. - ISH Technology

In the crisis, the cybersecurity market responds. Hiring.

ISH Technology has open positions for several sectors. With the quarantine, we have adapted the entire selection and admission process to online. It seems strange to talk about hiring being that the crisis triggered by COVID-19 had such harsh effects on many sectors of the economy. But in cybersecurity, the demand, which was already consistent, got a boost.

In 2020 alone, we have already made 75 hires. There are still 26 new vacancies for the areas of Professional Services, SOC - Security Operation Center and Commercial. The vacancies are on Linkedin and on the Talent Portal, created to concentrate the offer. And the forecast is that the opening of vacancies will grow from now on, since the need for people does not stop growing.

Of course. Hiring is always the result of planning, put into practice throughout the trajectory of the companies. And it was strategy that allowed the absorption of demand during the pandemic. But there are two factors that gave propulsion to the cybersecurity market in this somewhat unknown scenario, in which the whole world had to learn to live with the coronavirus: the home office and the more intense onslaught of hackers.

Outbreak of attacks

With the coronavirus, there was an outbreak of cyber attacks. The occurrences in Brazil more than doubled, according to the data gathered by our team of engineers. In comparison with the same period last year, the first quarter of 2020 recorded a 220% growth in attacks.

To get an idea, in the last few years, the movement of criminals, month by month, did not vary more than 8%. The oscillation was predictable. It used to be noticed in specific periods, such as the delivery of the Income Tax, the one before Black Friday, Christmas shopping, among others.

But even as attempts at damage grew, nothing went beyond 8 per cent. ISH engineers claim they have never seen anything like the jump recorded during the pandemic.

The home office has also contributed to this, as many companies that used to adopt data protection measures in their offices have failed to extend policies to employees' homes. Routines have changed and therefore so have the types of threats. Many of us were used to the office and now we are dealing with the home office regime. And in this change in day to day life, new loopholes for attacks also arise.

To find out about the vacancies that are available in the ISH Technology Talent Portal, go to this link.

2 Replies to "In the crisis, the cybersecurity market responds. By hiring."

  1. Luiz Gustavo 4 years ago

    Good afternoon!
    I can't access the link where the opportunities are available, I would like to know if there is another way for me to apply.
    I have created a huge interest in being part of your team!

    1. Safetalks blog 4 years ago

      Hello, Luiz Gustavo. The link that is in the text is this one:

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